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The Husky Ambassadors have a clear vision of quality over quantity, allowing for only a small yet prestigious group of students to be a part of the organization. Due to this the Ambassadors are more than just club members – their close friends!

The group takes time to plan social activities such as a volley ball team, hiking, tie-dying parties and movie nights just to relax and bond with one another. Being a diverse group of students can also allow the Ambassadors to grow and learn from each other.

Since being a Husky Ambassador does not have monetary pay, you receive a multitude of payback in the form of volunteerism! With both Professional and Social volunteer opportunities offered to the Ambassadors, it is hard to not be involved.


Events such as Bloomsburg’s “Big Event” to the “Career Connections Expo” to giving Open House Tours, the Ambassadors get to spend quality time with one another, helping and growing themselves and others.

Who are the
Husky Ambassadors?

The Husky Ambassadors are a tight knit group of young professionals that represent Bloomsburg Univeristy of Pennslyvania in a unique way. Established in 1985, the group has dedicated countless hours of volunteerism, networking and representation to a wide variety of onlookers. 
Alumni Engagement

Being seen as the campus’ most prestigious group of young leaders can open many doors to professional opportunities. Many times the Husky Ambassadors are asked to volunteer their time at networking events, ProfessionalU workshops and Career Expos.These volunteer times can open doors that might not be available without having volunteered! Many Ambassadors are able to develop a personal relationship with employers thus giving them a foot in the door.


By dedicating your time to these volunteer events Ambassadors gain first hand skills, knowledge and experience with professionals of all fields of study.

The Husky Ambassadors pride themselves on their close relationship to a wide variety of Alumni. Through many networking events, reunions and Homecoming events, the Ambassadors get a one-on-one relationship that many students outside of the organization do not.

These close relationships have led many Ambassadors to landing their dream job and internship. By representing the university in a positive light and dedicating your days off, you too can grow an Alumni relationship! 

If Husky Ambassadors sounds like a club you want to be apart of, consider applying!
Check out our Recuritment page for more information.

Want to Join? 
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